Quite often you need to present dynamic tables in Html Service. They can be laborious to code and can get sluggish if large. Clusterize.js gives some great capabilities to help with that.
Imagine you have this spreadsheet data to tabularize in a sidebar.
var data = [
  ['france', 100],
  ['germany', 20],
  ['italy', 300],
  ['spain', 20],
  ['uk', 30],
  ['lithuania', 310],
  ['estonia', 32],
  ['switzerland', 13],
  ['romania', 89],
  ['portugal', 42],
  ['bulgaria', 12],
  ['ukraine', 031],
  ['sweden', 45],
  ['norway', 80],
  ['denmark', 200],
  ['belgium', 100]

Clusterize.js markup.

There are quite a few options for how to do this, but probably the simplest is thisv

<div class="clusterize">
  <div id="scrollArea" class="clusterize-scroll">
      <tbody id="contentArea" class="clusterize-content">
        <tr class="clusterize-no-data">
          <td>Loading data…</td>

Clusterize.js JavaScript.

A simple mapping of the data provides the input data table and its maarkup for optimization to clusterize.js

var clusterize = new Clusterize({
  rows: data.map(function(row) {
  return "<tr>" +
    row.map(function(col) {
      return '<td>' + col + '</td>';
    }).join(" ") +
  scrollId: 'scrollArea',
  contentId: 'contentArea'


You’ll need these



For more like this see Google Apps Scripts Snippets
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