Here’s how it works.
This function
function validateArgs (funcArgs , funcTypes , optFail) { }
- funcArgs : an array of JavaScript items. Typically this would be the arguments received by a function.
- funcTypes : an array of strings describing what type these arguments should be
- optFail: whether or not to fail if the types of funcArgs don’t match the types described in funcTypes. Default is to throw an error
- The function returns an object describing the first mismatch. If you choose not to throw an error on failure, the result’s .ok property can be tested.
Before moving on to applying this to testing function arguments, let’s look at some simple examples.
Valid checks
validateArgs (["abc",23,true,{"a":2}], ["string","number","boolean","object"] );
It can also detect JavaScript objects
validateArgs ([new Date(), Date] , ["Date","function"] );
and Arrays
validateArgs ([[1,2],[{"a":2},{"b":3}]], ["Array.number","Array.object"] );
Optional or multiple types
validateArgs ([1,"w",false,new Date(),[3,4],[ "any","string","any","Array.any"] );
Missing arguments
validateArgs( [1,2] , ["number","number","any"] );
Array validation for missing arguments
validateArgs( [1,2,["a","b","c"]] , ["number","number","any.string"] );
Custom objects – from libraries or you create yourself
validateArgs ( [myDb , results] , [DbAbstraction, Array.DbResults] );
and so on.
Validating function arguments
Of course the real reason for this function is to validate arguments arriving in a function at run time against what was expected. One way is to repeat the function arguments.
function yourFunction ( arga , argb ) { cUseful.validateArgs ([arga,argb] , ["string","Array.object"]); }
The arguments parameter can be tweaked to look like an array and passed over, so a better way is to do this.
cUseful.validateArgs (, [ "string" ,"Array.object"] );
That way, the only thing you have to maintain is the expected types array and validateArgs will complain if you have less valid types specified than arguments arriving.
Throwing an error
By default, it will throw an error when an argument is mismatched. However, passing the optFail parameter as false will not fail but return a results object like this, which shows the entire stack and what the problem was in the detail property. Even if you choose not to fail, this result will be written to the log file. You can access it like this
var result = cUseful.validateArgs ( youArgs, yourChecks , false); if (!result.ok) { something with the result object } You'll get this { "ok": false, "location": [ { "caller": "whereAmI", "line": "326", "file": "Code (cUseful)" }, { "caller": "report", "line": "582", "file": "Code (cUseful)" }, { "caller": "check", "line": "576", "file": "Code (cUseful)" }, { "caller": "validateArgs", "line": "529", "file": "Code (cUseful)" }, { "caller": "getMutationResults", "line": "30", "file": "RipDbMutation (cRipDB)" }, { "caller": "unknown", "line": "204", "file": "RipDb (cRipDB)" }, { "caller": "unknown", "line": "155", "file": "RipDb (cRipDB)" }, { "caller": "unknown", "line": "110", "file": "Code" }, { "caller": "unknown", "line": "1170", "file": "cDbAbstraction (cDbAbstraction)" }, { "caller": "unknown", "line": "1236", "file": "cDbAbstraction (cDbAbstraction)" }, { "caller": "unknown", "line": "258", "file": "Code (cNamedLock)" }, { "caller": "doGuts_", "line": "1230", "file": "cDbAbstraction (cDbAbstraction)" }, { "caller": "unknown", "line": "1124", "file": "cDbAbstraction (cDbAbstraction)" }, { "caller": "test", "line": "69", "file": "Code" }, { "caller": "unknown", "line": "54", "file": "Code" }, { "caller": "tall", "line": "52", "file": "Code" } ], "detail": { "index": 1, "arrayElement": -1, "type": "object", "expected": "object", "got": "undefined" } }
The code
Best way to get this is to include the cUseful library, or you can find on GitHub