I’ll be using the cjsDiff library
You can report on any combination of additions, deletions or no changes. This example does them all.
// compare var diffs = cjsDiff.JsDiff.diffChars( 'quick brown fox jum ove lazy dog', 'the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog' ); Logger.log("\n" + diffs.map(function (d) { if (!d.removed && !d.added ) { return 'no changes--'+d.count + ' chars\n '+d.value; } if (d.removed) { return 'removed--' + d.count + ' chars\n '+d.value; } if (d.added) { return 'added--' + d.count + ' chars\n '+d.value; } }).join ("\n"));
And the result
added--4 chars the no changes--19 chars quick brown fox jum added--3 chars ped no changes--4 chars ove added--1 chars r no changes--1 chars added--4 chars the no changes--8 chars lazy dog
If that doesn’t quite do it for you, There are various options you can use as documented here
For more like this see Google Apps Scripts Snippets
- 2 ways to create and preserve formulas with fiddler for Google Apps Script
- A fourth way to preserve and create formulas with Fiddler for Sheets, plus some more new methods
- A functional approach to updating master sheet with Fiddler
- A recursive extend function for Apps Script
- A third way to preserve formulas with fiddler, plus 2 new methods
- A webapp to share copies of the contents of folders
- Abstracting services with closures
- Add-on spinner
- Addressing namespace and library methods from google.script.run
- Anonymous user registration with the Apps Script PropertiesService
- Apps for Office - binding example comparison
- Apps Script as a proxy
- Apps Script const scoping problems
- Apps Script server side to client side htmlservice progress reporting using CacheService
- Caching, property stores and pre-caching
- Calculate contrasting font colors for Sheets.
- Calculating image dimensions in server side apps script
- Calculating the last day of a given weekday in the month
- Canvasser
- Chaining JavaScript
- Changing class properties dynamically
- Checking the argument types in Apps Script
- Cleaning up a document format
- Cleaning up heading levels
- Color scales, custom schemes and proxies with Apps Script
- Colorize sentiment in a Google document
- Column numbers to characters
- Composing functions and functional programming
- Configurable canvas meter
- Content oriented color mixing with Apps Script
- Convert any file with Apps Script
- Convert JSON to XML
- Converting SVG to PNG with JavaScript
- Converting timestamps to dates formula
- Copying canvas and svg images from your Add-on
- Copying to new host location
- Copying to new host location
- Counting script and library usage
- Create GraphML markups from Apps Script
- Create sha1 signatures with apps script
- Creating a key digest to use for a cache key or to compare content
- Creating a pile of files list from Google Drive
- Creating and working with transposed sheet data arrays
- Cross Origin Resource sharing (CORS)
- CryptoJS libraries for Google Apps Script
- Custom checking for exponential backoff
- Data wrangling with named columns in Google Spreadsheet
- Dealing with objects that are too large for the property or cache store
- Detect fake news with Google Fact Check tools
- Detecting Spreadsheet tables automatically with Google Apps Script
- Direction minimizer - other usages
- Do something useful with GAS in 5 minutes
- Dynamically creating tables with clusterize.js
- EasyCron Library
- ES6 JavaScript features
- Exponential backoff
- Exponential backoff for promises
- Fiddler - A functional approach to fiddling with sheet data
- Fiddler and rangeLists
- Fiddler now supports joins to merge matching columns from multiple sheets
- Fiddling with text fields that look like dates
- Filling ranges in Google Sheets
- Find nearest matches in color schemes with Apps Script
- Finding a Drive App folder by path
- Finding where Drive hosting is being used in Sites
- Fix Apps Script file order problems with Exports
- Flattening an object with dot syntax
- Flattening and unflattening objects to spreadsheets
- Formatting GraphQL queries
- Formatting sheet column data with fiddler
- From notes to frequencies and back again
- From Xml to JSON
- Generating and managing random lists with JavaScript and Apps Script
- Generating coupon codes with expiry dates
- Generating test data for sheets and tables
- Get GAS library info
- Getting an htmlservice template from a library
- Getting insights into Sheets performance
- Google Drive as cache
- Header formatting with fiddler
- Highlight duplicate rows in a sheet - map and reduce
- Highlight duplicate rows in a sheet - map, filter and every
- How to determine what kind of object something is in Apps Script
- How to get stats about youtube videos in your channel with apps script
- How to pass non stringifyable objects to html service
- How to transpose spreadsheet data with apps script
- Identify duplicates on Drive
- Identifying hosted files
- Implementing a client side progress bar reporting on server side work for htmlService
- Importing Predictwise data
- Improved namespace pattern for Apps Script
- Including the stack in custom errors
- Iterator magic - Splitting an array into chunks
- JavaScript closures - how, where and why
- JavaScript currying and functional programming
- JavaScript currying and functional programming - even more
- JavaScript recursion primer
- JavaScript snippet to create a default method for an object
- JavaScript typo detection with proxies
- JSONP and JSON and Google Apps Script webapps
- Loading large JSON datasets into BigQuery with Apps Script
- Manipulating PDFS in Apps Script
- Markup HTML from JSON with Apps Script and JavaScript
- Measuring library load speed
- Migrating user and script properties
- Minimizing maps directionfinder api calls
- More client server code sharing
- More recursion - parents and children
- More sheet data fiddling
- Multiple inserts in Fusion Tables
- Namespaces in libraries and scripts
- Normalizing the header level of blank paragraphs
- Obfuscate text with Apps Script
- Optimizing sheet formatting with Apps Script
- Optimizing showing and hiding rows and columns
- Organizing asynchronous calls to google.script.run
- Organizing parallel streams of server calls with google.script.run promises
- Parallel process orchestration with HtmlService
- Passing data to html service
- Patching site html
- Populating sheets with API data using a Fiddler
- Promises and async class constructors in Apps Script
- Proxy jsonp
- Proxy magic with Google Apps Script
- Pseudo binding in HTML service
- Queuing asynchronous tasks with rate limit and concurrency constraints
- Random and fake test data in Sheets with Google Apps Script
- Recursive async functions
- Removing duplicate paragraphs
- Reporting file, function and line number in Apps Script
- Resumable uploads - writing large files to Drive with Apps Script
- Reusing html stuff between Apps Script projects
- Roughly matching text
- Serving apps script to JavaScript app
- Sharing cache between Google Workspace projects
- Sharing code between client and server
- Shortcut for adding nested properties to a JavaScript object
- Simple but powerful Apps Script Unit Test library
- Simple server side polling
- Sorting Google Sheet DisplayValues
- Squeezing more into (and getting more out of) Cache services
- Styling Gmail html tables
- Summarizing emails to a sheet
- SunCalc
- Super simple cipher library for Apps Script encryption and decryption
- TimeSimmer : An adjustable timer for apps that need to speed up or slow down time
- Transform dates for add-on transfer
- Transposing sheet data
- Traversing a tree
- Unique values with data fiddler
- Unnesting data to sheet values
- Untangling with promises
- Use a proxy to catch invalid property access
- Use Drive properties to find app files
- Use promise instead of callback for settimeout
- Using Advanced Drive service to convert files
- Using Apps Script for xml json conversion
- Using array formulas to improve performance
- Using crossfilter with Google Apps Script
- Using D3 in server side Gas
- Using es6 promises server side in Apps Script
- Using Es6 with Apps Script
- Using exponential backoff with github api - dealing with data "in preparation"
- Using Google sheets via Bigquery from Apps Script
- Using named locks with Google Apps Scripts
- Using promises to orchestrate Html service polling
- Using promises with apps script
- Using the Itunes API with Apps Script
- Using the slideshare API from Apps Script
- Using timing functions to get insight into Sheets
- Watching docs for changes
- Watching for server side changes from the client html service
- What JavaScript engine is Apps Script running on?
- Why Base64
- Zipping to make stuff fit in cache or properties service.